Working on a rhyme for Youth Day 16 June

I am not posting a rhyme this week. We are working on a three part rhyme in five sections for Youth Day on 16 June.

The plan is to release the video of Part I next week Sunday 5 June, then Part II on Sunday 12 June and the full rhyme on Thursday 16 June.

We also plan to release them with an original music track that plays with the three songs referenced in the rhyme:

Die Lied van Jong Suid AFrika

Boesmanland vat my hand en

Ek soek na my Dina.

Hier is a sneak peak of Part I, Section 1:

En hoor jy die magtige dreuning? ’n Triptiek in vyf dele

(rympies deur Petro Janse van Vuuren en Monica Bosman)

(vir Jeugdag, 16 Junie)

I – Petro

Deel 1 

Vat my hand

Dan lei ek jou na die land

            van melk en heuning

            kelke vol sening

            geld sonder lening

            vir elk se ondersteuning

Hoor jy die magtige dreuning

die kragtige kreuning

die smagting na heling?

Oor die veld kom dit wyd gesweef

Die lied van ’n nuwe ontwaking

Wat harte laat breek en herleef